Fish, plants, animals etc available
I can source - or have excess stocks of - many pond plants and animals as well as aquarium species.
If you live within travelling range of Burwell and want a pond or aquarium stocked - please contact me.
Available species
This is a list of a few of the plants and other water life I can usually supply. If there is a link - it gives more information.
- The arrow
symbol indicates that the species is thriving in my pond or aquarium! Burwell is a hard water area!
- The dot
indicates specties which have flourished for a while and then succumbed: mostly they need soft water!
indicates species which should be treated with some care as they can be rampant!
Invasive plants, non-native to Britsh Isles.
- Crustacea
- Daphnia: the favourite live food for most aquarium fish. I can supply most of the year round!
Water Hog or Water Louse - Assellus
Gammarus Pulex - Freshwater Shrimp
- Plants
Alisma plantago-aquatica - Water Plantain
Apium nodiflorum - Fool's watercress
- Baldellia ranunculoides - Lesser water plantain

Berula erecta - Lesser water parsnip
Caltha palustris - Marsh marigold or king cup.
Cardamine pratensis - Cuckoo flower.
Ceratophylum demersum - Common Hornwort
Ceratophyllum Submersum - Spineless Hornwort
- Chara Globularis - Stonewort
Often used in aquaria as a spawning medium!
Fontinalis antipyretica - Willow Moss
Glyceria maxima - Reed sweet-grass
I have a cultivar which is variegated in stripes: it's particularly pretty in spring when the stripes are distinctly pink!

Gymnocoronis spilanthoides -Senegal Tea
Not known as a pond plant! I aquired some for my aquarium and tried it in the pond. It has now survived three winters (2008) and is quite robust. This plant is not on any UK list of undesirable alien plants - but I think it should be.
Hydrocharis morsus-ranae - Frog bit.
May 2005 four babies have surfaced from over-wintering turions.
Hydrocotyle ranunculoides - Floating pennywort.
A dangerous alien invader, albeit a nice pond plant if you are prepared to keep it under control
Hydrocotyle vulgaris - Marsh pennywort
Lemna trisulca - Ivy leaf duckweed
Good in a pond or tropical aquarium where it makes an excellent floating plant.
- Lythrum salicara - Purple loosestrife
Mentha aquatica - water mint

Mimulus guttatus - Monkey flower

Myriophyllum spicatum - spiked water-milfoil

Myriophyllum aquaticum (Myriophyllum brasiliensis) - Parrot feather
Here in Burwell, this is not getting out of control. However it is listed as a invasive alien, and in the warmer microclimate of most cities, it can easily get out of control.
Myosotis scorpiodes - Water Forget-me-not
Nymphoides peltata - Fringed water lily
Oenanthe fistulosa - Tubular water dropwort
Potamogeton crispus - Curled pondweed
Ranunculus flammula - Lesser spearwort
Ranunculus lingua - Great spearwort
Ranunculus hederaceus - Ivy leafed Crowfoot
- Nasturtium officinale - Watercress
Stratiotes Alloides - Water Soldier
Veronica Beccabunga - Brooklime
- Molluscs
Golden Apple snail
These are breeding happily in my aquarium so are usually available.
Acute Bladder snail - Physa Acuta
A cute little snail and quite pretty, but it breeds far too easily! Lots written on the Internet about this one: search Google for "Physa Acuta"
- Planorbella scalaris(?)
Great pond snail - Lymnaea stagnalis
- Fish
- Rhodeus Sericeus - Bitterling. This beautiful cold water fish is in the Controls on Non Native Fish Species. However it abounds freely in the wild near my house. If you are interested (and you should be - it's probably the prettiest and most interesting of ALL European fish) you will need a (free) license to keep it.
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© 2003-2008 Richard John Torrens
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Last modified: Mon, 08 Jul 2024 09:18:17 BST